Day 4: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism

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As individualists for the most part, Conservatives are scared to death of Socialism. As collectivists, Socialists are scared to death of falling short of the ‘common good’. Each group has a unique and strikingly different belief system and supporting logic. 

Those who believe that Socialism (or Communism) is the bogeyman just can’t get it out of their head. I have sat down with intelligent people and carefully gone through the following table of comparisons, and they have  eagerly nodded their heads in agreement. But the next day they revert right back to talking about the dangers of Socialism and Communism. Were they just not paying attention? Were they being disingenuous and only pretending to agree with me? Probably neither. 

The fact is, old habits of thinking and acting are very hard to change. All of us struggle to some degree when we are challenged with new thoughts that require a shift in our existing belief system. If we believe that Socialism or Communism is the biggest enemy of the state, we will be very resistant to any facts to the contrary. 

It is true that the trappings of former political systems are still visible in certain countries. China still has the hammer and sickle. Germany still has a few neo-Nazis running around. But how many times have we ever been told, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? Times change. Things change. Our thinking about them must advance as well. Holding a world view from 10, 20 or 30 years ago is simply not adequate today. 

With that said, I was hoping hope to change readers’ mindsets when I wrote in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, “The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism: It is Technocracy.”

The ancient Chinese General Sun Tsu, who wrote The Art of War in the 6th century BC, noted that the enemy must be clearly identified before victory can be achieved.  This is still true today. Technocrats smile inwardly when you call them Communists, Socialists or Fascists because this allows them to continue on their way unthreatened and uninterrupted. 

Here are 25 comparisons that make the proper distinction between Technocracy, Communism/Socialism and Fascism. To correctly cement the features of each ideology into your worldview, I suggest reading and contemplating this list every day for 30 days straight.

Endgame: Scientific DictatorshipEndgame: Classless societyEndgame: National strength
Hates Communists, favored FascistsHates Fascists & TechnocratsHates all types of Marxists
Has contempt for electoral democracyPromotes electoral democracyHas contempt for electoral democracy
Seeks totalitarian system by scientific methodsSeeks totalitarian system by communitarianismSeeks totalitarian system by nationalistic submission
Relies upon cult of science (Scientism)Relies upon cult of personality (Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Che)Relies upon cult of personality (Hitler, Mussolini)
Promotes ScientismPromotes atheismPromotes a form of Christianity
Promotes cities, is anti-ruralPromotes rural developmentAnti-urban, promotes rural identity
Replaces Capitalism with resource-based economic systemManaged CapitalismGenerally supports Capitalism for its own purposes
Despises CapitalismMarx believed Capitalism was a necessary step to CommunismViewed as a ‘third way’ between Capitalism and Communism
ApoliticalMostly viewed as ‘left wing’Often viewed as ‘conservative’
Racially agnosticStalin condemned anti-SemitismTends toward anti-Semitism and racism
Highly reveres intellectuals who agree with themKilled intellectuals in their own countries, on multiple occasionsKilled intellectuals in other countries
Generally pacifistMostly killed their own citizensMostly killed citizens of other countries, plus Jews and other ‘undesirables’
Controls people with the system/technologyControls people with peopleControls people with dictator
Population: over-populatedPopulation: non-issuePopulation: non-issue
Genetic cleansing, general population reductionIdeological cleansingGenetic cleansing, but selective
Universal Basic Income (UBI)Stratified pay structure, according to the need of each citizenStratified pay structure, according to merit and value to leadership
Advances according to the advancement of technologyAdvances according to the development of ideologyAdvances according to the strength of the nation
Human conditioning to live within the systemEducation supports ideologyEducation supports nationalism
Global citizen, city-state orientedNation-state orientedNation-state oriented
Dissolves the stateEmpowers the stateEmpowers the state
Science knows bestPeople know bestPeople know best
Social engineers hide behind facade of scienceLeadership easily identifiedLeadership easily identified
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population
”  (The Technocrat, 1938)
Eradicates profit completely and all private property, establishes a resource-based economy controlled by a scientific elite using data-driven scientific method.
Communism: Political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society. (Encyclopedia Britannica)Fascism, a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic
government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. (Merriam-Webster)
A political regime, having totalitarian aspirations, ideologically based on a relationship between business and the centralized government, business-and-government control of the marketplace, repression of criticism or opposition, a leader cult and exalting the state and/or religion above individual rights. By extension, Any system of strong autocracy or oligarchy usually to the extent of bending and breaking the law, race-baiting and violence against largely unarmed populations. (Wikitionary)
”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer something that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”  Dr. Parag KhannaStepping-stone to Technocracy
Zbigniew Brzezinski stated in Between Two Ages: America’s Role In the Technetronic Era (1970), that Communism and Socialism were necessary stepping stones to get to the end game, but they were not the end game in themselves. The final stage was to be Brzezinski’s Technetronic Era, which is Technocracy

About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.
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Are the Technos trying to skip a socialist stepping stone by trying to implement sustainable development, sold as socialism blended with a fascist inspired ‘love of the planet, supplanting the ‘nation’?

K Lee

Banks make profit by extending credit. If government were to use fiscal policy and invest in the public sector, they lose money. So, the bankers took control of government finance and shut down natural government investment in order to force the nation to survive on credit, which is why we’re at peak private debt right now. It should ALL be cancelled because it never should’ve happened in the first place. “The Government is not like a household. A government is like a bank. And a government running a balanced budget is like a bank that simply lends back as much… Read more »


We haven’t had a communist/socialist state yet. The correct name for the systems of e.g. the USSR or China is state capitalism. While the state did appropriate the means of production, it did not have “public ownership and communal control” (as per your definition from Encyclopedia Britannica). The means of production just changed hands, people were still employed and paid, just by the state, the control of which remained in the hands of few people. This “public ownership and communal control” of the means of production is a MANDATORY feature of any type of socialism. In various socialisms, you can… Read more »


Lolz…..if only they would try real socialism……best murder a few million to make the point…

Billy Joe

Based one what he said, state capitalism and capitalism both have murdered a few million to make the point.

Pete Lincoln

Technocracy is the hardware. The other -isms the software. This software is best called neo-Communitarianism (common good usurps individual rights). A synthesis of communism and capitalism and public private corporations. Closely related to Mussolinis Corporate Fascism (he called it Corporatism)


I urge you to re read this article without presuppositions.

Rick in Phoenix

Patrick, can you add a column for capitalism/free-enterprise? Thanks. I’ll work on it myself.


At the end of the day. Technocracy, fascism, communism, transhumanism, socialism, universal basic income (UBI), the great or global reset, the cashless society AKA digital currency, metaverse, Agenda 2021/2030 will morph into the great tribulation. Not sure some folks will see it after it is all fully implemented. It baffles me how some professing Christians don’t see the handwriting on the wall. Folks seem to have more fear over death and disease than they have for everlasting torment in the lake of fire. I get it that no relishes suffering or bad experiences. But being cast alive into the lake… Read more »


And yet the the people keep on buying the new cell phones, television sets, computers, and whatever will make life “easier”.
They keep on following the Pied Piper.


This is fabulous. Im going to “try” to print it out to help those whose just Don’t Get It . Merry Christmas, brenda

Tadeusz Litak

While I agree that “Technocracy” as an incarnation of totalitarianism suitable for our century has to differ in important aspects from both Communism and Nazism (tailored for the XXth century), the comparative table in this article appears quite confused. Take for example Communism/Socialism “promoting rural development”. Unless you mean Pol Pot (who was rather an outlier among communist tyrants with his agrarian views) or some utopian socialists, it is a very misleading statement. Communists were obsessive about industrialization! In communist states, entire cities were built around megafactories and steel mills. Orthodox Marxism-Leninism left two routes for peasants: either migrate to the… Read more »

Pete Lincoln

I don’t think Technocracy despises Capitalism at all. I think it loves Capitalism, but a modified form of it. It hates Competition and it hates having to serve the shareholders. Stakeholder Capitalism is their form of Capitalism I think now the coming Technocracy is best called Techno Fascism with Stakeholder Capitalists partnering with Global Governors/National Governments (a version of Mussolinis National public private partnerships) Maybe I am just referring to the Transitional phase and the Endgame is as you describe, but I think the real endgame is actually Transhumanism (or post-humanism) and massive human depopulation, and Technocracy is the tool… Read more »


Your 12 Days of Technocracy is a decidedly good compilation of the developments and elements of technocracy. However, the comparison of technocracy – socialism – fascism remains strangely blurred. This is probably due to the fact that everyone understands something different by it… especially as far as fascism is concerned. Basically, the bundling only means that between capital and governments, i.e. between wealth and violence (law is also a form of violence). This becomes especially clear when you contrast Italian fascism and German fascism, which had only nationalism in common. While Mussolini gave the vigorous Italian, Hitler was rather “out… Read more »

Steve Bushert

I find it hilarious that every definition of “capitalism” includes “means of production”, which is a patently Marxist characterization of what he perceived to be his antagonist. Every single “educated” entity proclaiming definitions for the isms starts with an incestuously derived premise. Idiocy.

Stop playing the shell game, people, and start watching the operators running the shell game. All the isms are lies foisted by totalitarian control freaks who know most will consume their definitions, and then believe they have been educated.


This is a grade school “analysis” of fascism and socialism, with the still undefined “technocracy” claimed as a competing system of social and economic organization. Yet Mr. Wood’s analyses all presume the permanence of capitalist social relations, with control of economic resources by a few and wage slavery for the masses. There is no questioning of the basics of capital accumulation through theft of workers’ labor: socialism is not “managed capitalism,” nor is the alleged Technocratic “resource based economic system” a coherent economic idea. Mr. Wood gives away the game when he resorts an encyclopedia definition of “communism” as a… Read more »

[…] between Communism and Technocracy in Day 4 of my series, The Twelve Days Of Technocracy: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism. ⁃ TN […]


Thanks for the chart, Patrick. Now I can argue semantics with people instead of actually doing something useful, like uniting against our common enemies…who probably don’t give a flying rat’s patoot what you call what they’re doing.

[…] Read original article […]

Zo :)

PragerU did a good breakdown of Fascism –

I agree that Fascism is often viewed as ‘conservative’, but its roots are with liberal/left philosophy and presuppositions.

Fascism is socialism mixed with national identity (hence National Socialist Party).

From the outside, It shares many similarities to Monarchy, however, the distinction is that it is left/atheistic at its core, while traditional Monarchies were mostly conservative/god-fearing.



Have you not seen the bust of Lenin in Klaus Schwab’s bookcase? It looks genuine to me.
It’ all “satanism”. “Satanism” is the universal religion of this world, the majority of “satanists” don’t even know they’re “satanists”, in fact many of them believe they are “Christian” or “athiest”.
Deceit is the governing principle of this world, “…the prince of this world…”. Self-deceit reults in miscreation.

Behold! The world! In all it’s glory!!

comment image
(body of consciousness-Spirit-Christ).

Truth and Reality are ONE, anything else is a mere fantasy, a dream of deceit. EgoMatrix. This “world”.
