Psychology Today: Sex Robots And The End Of Civilization

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With demographics already tanking in all Western nations, adding sex robots into the mix virtually guarantees to accelerate the trend and cause relationship dysfunction across the board. ⁃ TN Editor

Imagine this: A totally realistic robot of your own design that is capable of fully carrying out any sex act that you can dream up. It looks, smells, and sounds incredibly realistic. And your state-sponsored insurance paid for her in full. In effect, she was free—prescribed by your physician to help with your status as officially “sexually dysfunctional.” Recent federal legislation, supported overwhelmingly by a male majority in the House and Senate, has made this kind of medical prescription perfectly legal.

Robin the Robot never has a headache. It never gets a cold. It never rejects an advance. It is, perhaps strangely, beautiful in many respects. And, surprisingly, it is even seemingly intelligent and witty.

Sure, it sounds great on the surface.

And get this: According to expert clinical psychologist and sex therapist Dr. Marianne Brandon, what I’ve described above is, in fact, a likely portrait of our near future. Welcome to the new world.

Sex Robots as Supernormal Stimuli

Earlier this month, I was fortunate to attend a special symposium on understanding mental health from an evolutionary perspective. This event, formally sponsored by the Applied Evolutionary Psychology Society (AEPS) and affiliated with the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society (NEEPS), was eye-opening for the many scholars, practitioners, and students who were in attendance. And while all of the talks were provocative and engaging, I have to say that Dr. Brandon’s presentation was something of a show-stopper.

When you think about things from an evolutionary perspective, the history of human technology largely becomes the history of developing supernormal stimuli for profit.

In the 1950s, renowned behavioral biologist Niko Tinbergen articulated the idea of a supernormal stimulus. A supernormal stimulus is essentially an exaggerated, often human-made version of some stimulus that organisms evolved to respond to in certain ways.

For instance, humans evolved taste preferences so as to desire high-fat foods because our ancestors regularly experienced drought and famine. A Big Mac is a human-created product that includes an amplification of high-fat food that would have been beyond the fat and caloric content of nearly any food that would have existed under ancestral human conditions. The Big Mac is a classic supernormal stimulus.

Same with pornography. And video games. And so many cosmetic products that amplify attributes of faces and bodies that bear on Darwin’s bottom line of reproductive success. Vibrant hair color and lip gloss are supernormal stimuli.

Importantly, as you can see, supernormal stimuli may well be deceitful. In the modern world of humans, supernormal stimuli are essentially hijackers. They are human-created technological products that hijack our evolved psychology in a way that leads to short-term emotional and/or physiological benefits. However, since these products are, at the end of the day, evolutionarily unnatural, they quite often do not lead to the long-term evolutionary benefits (such as strong connections with others and/or long-term reproductive gains) which pertain to why these stimuli evolved to be desired by humans in the first place. We can call this evolutionary irony.

In her presentation, Dr. Brandon rightfully pointed out that sex robots, when they arrive (and they will), will be the ultimate in human-created supernormal stimuli. And this could be a problem.

Potential Problems Associated with the Sex Robot Revolution

Is there a sex robot revolution on the horizon? In a few weeks, the city of Brussels will host the 4th International Conference on Love and Sex with Robots, so you tell me!

In her presentation at the AEPS symposium, Dr. Brandon made a strong case suggesting that sex robots are truly in development and on the way. Perhaps in a decade or two.

Brandon pointed out several potential problems that may well come along with the robots for the ride. These problems all make sense when we think of our evolved relationship psychology. Some of the potential problems that she pointed out are as follows:

  • Men, who are disproportionately represented as consumers of pornography, will likely be over-represented as consumers of sex robots.
  • Within committed relationships, sexual interactions, which are apparently already on a nationwide decline, are likely to drop further in prevalence.
  • Intimacy in relationships, which strongly maps onto both quantity and quality of sexual interactions within mateships, is likely to drop in quality as well.
  • The prevalence of marriage and birth rates may well see declining numbers.
  • Motivation for people to work on relationship problems within mateships will be naturally reduced.

In short, the advent of sex robot technology may well foreshadow, in many ways, the demise of intimate relationships in the modern world.

Read full story here…

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You’ll never go broke betting on males’ one continual interest–SEX. As we’ve seen with the funding for medical research over the decades which has been greatly for the purpose researching how to save men’s lives, to the exclusion of females’, males in the system will allocate mega funds to themselves. Now funding allocation is to achieve orgasm. Today, we see the purchase of robotic sex partners being deceptively labeled as a “dysfunctional medical need”. Men are completely preoccupied with their one body part, the part that reacts but can’t think.

bozz larsson

You know the number of sold dildo’s to women.


How GRETA dare you…..

All Women Bring To The Table is Their Big Mouth

Enjoy your cats, lady. You deserve all of them.


A lot more research money is spent on women’s cancer than on men’s.

Rachel E

My cat is a sweetie. Not sure I deserve her love.
No robo cat could replace her.


The majority of women are useless for men beyond being sexual partners for men, and having children. Women have been psychologically messed up by the toxic and false doctrine of feminism, created by the Frankfurt school, and financed by the Rockefeller family. Men have created the majority of inventions and innovations throughout history. When woman-shaped robotic sexual relationship companions and the artificial womb are perfected, women will truly be irrelevant and unnecessary. Your statement about the majority of funding for medical research being directed towards saving men to the exclusion of women is clearly false, because we live in a… Read more »

Roger Olsen

Your reply to Elle makes perfect sense to me…common sense. sad though, ain’t it?…bring on the robots.

Ian Allan

‘a gynocentric society, one that worships women’
The genitive of γυνή is γυναικός, so the Greek compound has to be γυναικοκεντρικός ‘gynæcocentric’. Κέντρον means among other things ‘a sting’, and I personally find such women luscious.


Bullshit. Men are also useless to women. Even their boring sex is useless. Everything they do is useless.


21st century bachelors don’t want women anyhow. Just the jollies they can extract from them. The woman is viewed by them as nothing but an annoying appendage to their self-pleasuring. The woman is the wrapper to the candy bar these “men” salivate over. Their only goal in life.
There are a number of Real Men I know. All got married by age 25. Bachelors aren’t real men. They’re only single because they’re emotionally (often intellectually) stuck at age 12, so they prefer hook ups/porn/dolls to real human interactions.
They might as well play with dolls as well as video games.


So you’ll be delighted when we leave you alone and purchase a better, newer model. Just imagine the joys of never having any man even look your way, let alone bother you, ever again?

Perfect for both of us.

Michael D. Rogers Ms

Men built the conestoga wagons, laid the trails they rolled cross the nation,built all the buildings, factories, vehicles of any nature, have sent us into the universe etc.with a little help from women,Once it was a partnership but that faded in the 50’s. Nothing against women, they occupy a different space than men, I forsee in the future women will increasingly bond together as men will also, We’re two different animals that no longer NEED each other, Of course many men and women will continue to couple by choice but no longer by necessity, The robots will facilitate that!


you are a sick fuck

Michael D. Rogers Ms

Think about it: PROBABLY MOST OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE OF YOUR GENDER, why?? because you have the same interests and probably think the same and about the same things. We tend to associate with other genders involving SEX, maybe we want to raise our own children or even just passing our genes along as research finds is common.


Vilken stackare du är. När det är något idiotiskt som pågår så finner man alltid en korkad gubbe som ansvarig.Och samtal med den vanlige gubben är så torrt så man gör bäst i att avsluta dessa kvickt om man kan. Kvinnor har allt som är intressant, inklusive idéer och fantasi m.m

Roger Olsen

get a life Elle.


”You’ll never go broke betting on males’ one continual interest–SEX”
Just s well ,o you would never have been born would you?
You dont see this as the next step in depopulation do you…


Sex for men with a woman is a very strong determinant but once a man realizes the effort and cost is too much for that reward or legally devastating mistake many will leave the game and seek other purposes to their lives and use spicy videos or a professional girlfriend to aleviate those desires. This is taking place more often with a variety of men and women do not seem to be taking notice until much later in their lives or past the time when earlier generations (Boomers and the Greatest) chose their partners for better or worse. The factors… Read more »


I agree with your post, but consider that the destruction began when we swapped the ownership of children from the father to the mother across Western countries. That disaster has now caught up with us.

There’s no chance of reversing that, so let men free (finally!) and let’s see what happens?


The problem here is none of these dudes have game to get it for free, too broke FWB, dont know how to manipulate a “nothing” woman to do what they want while simping out with their feelings involved in a go nowhere woman. They wind up hating all women and hunching on robots. Calling themselves men, yet too in their feelings behind bad choices to realize we need STRONG FAMILY UNITS to maintain future good relationships, friendships, marriages, and sexual. But Hunch on the m robots though. Its a good look for you guys.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cl0wnBoss

it is sad to see men and woman arguing like this. I think the real problem is that we have a system that promotes divorce and actually gives woman an incentive to leave her man. And the worst part is that the children actually suffer the most…
men and woman need to stand together, and work to ease government involvement in society.
society is to complex to govern…

Michael Dale Rogers

I see that men and women have different desires and interests which reduces many if not most hetro relationships to her providing sex and him providing the support overall, men tend to be in other things than women are, this isn’t to say that some men and women share some of their cross gender partners interests, How many other gender friends do YOU have?? do you go to ‘women’s” activities or otherwise?

Rachel E

Not all men!


dear Elle does all your male family members and friends know you despise them?


Yes, you are correct. 1000 points upvote, as counting upvotes doesn’t work here.


Teach/tell “her” to do her part, not to be male-ish.
The School of Frankfurt did a great, evil job to de-feminize the woman in the whole world, not only in the [materialistical] developed countries..
Not “their” women…

Rex Alfie Lee

So men bad, women victims. What a crock! Without a shred of insight. Of course I can hear the screams of misogyny which is your answer to kill any kind of argument. That’s women, they like to argue but rarely admit when they’re wrong. Find a historical perspective to change the focus of being wrong or any tangent to blame a man. Women broke the system, men walked away from it. It’s up to you to fix it. Men won’t. Ask a mum who isn’t a femmy what she thinks of her son’s education. Then ask dad. You’ve destroyed men’s… Read more »

Rex Alfie Lee

Well Dr Glenn Geyer, not a shred of introspection here, nil, nada. How do you create something like this without understanding the issues men face? You’ve just written this without talking to any men as to why. That’s hypocrisy of the worst form. Do some study. Here’s one, watch “The Red Pill” & understand what men face today in Western society. Have the courage to actually see with open eyes as opposed to running off at the mouth. Have some integrity to understand why men have walked away & find out why the feminist who made the movie is no… Read more »


They are trying extremely hard to push the Depopulation idea! My goodness!!


There has been a fundamental shift implemented in society from past gender roles to the reality most of gen x, the millennials and the following generations now or will live. Already a very large percentage of the disenfranchised for dating men do not want to be bothered with long term or get into martial relations with the mentioned generational women. It’s a complex issue but suffice to say the push in the 1970s to get women into the work force while simultaneously advancing the ‘girl power’ movement for ulterior motives by the pyramid cap has brought about rapidly dropping marriage… Read more »

Rachel E

In That Hideous Strength the characters discuss a race living on the dark side of the moon who marry but instead of bedding each other take artfully constructed, idealized images of one another to bed. They reproduce by artificial means.
Lewis wrote about technocracy in that novel without using the word. Using science and technology as a form of magic to twist reality to our liking.
A lot of the freaks taking over the world remind me of Lewis’s villains. Anthony Fauci is Mr. Withers. Klaus Schwab is Dr. Frost.


In Ira Levin’s novel The Stepford Wives, the men of Stepford were killing off their wives and replacing them with sexbots who were also great at household chores and cooking.
The Stepford Men’s Club was supposedly full of porn.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ren

The question remains unanswered in this article but possibly I verified with reverse image search. Is that picture of a sex doll or a real woman? I am thinking they could have made her a bit more attractive… Pygmalion did better! In our western world the price of a family is exorbitant though not quite 6 million dollar women as the old TV show said it is close and most women WANT money first and affection last. Growing up as a child I hit sexual maturity aged 14 and guess what I’m stuck in school around stuck up little girls… Read more »


SERIOUSLY – you cant tell that pic is a robot??

Right on!

Go feminism! You got what you wanted. You have become men and now men don’t want you. Woo hoo! We won’t get divorce graped in the family courts anymore when YOU decide you want to go ride the cock carousel. You did it this yourselves women! Enjoy your dildos and male sex robots. It’s a shame you can’t divorce grape them in court, hunh? Hahahahaha! When it comes to women, all they think about is what THEY want from a man and never what they have to offer a man. When I got married, my wife claimed that the word… Read more »

Michael Dale Rogers

Do we not want to associate with a PERSON that has certain personality traits that we find undesirable or whatever is defined as a women? That we want plastic women that have many of the characteristics we desire but none off that we don’t defines the problem! I periodically meet women that have a minimum of the negative personality traits and find them to be pleasant women!

Maybe we can define these negativities and confine our dissatisfaction to those rather women in general!


I can understand your despair at having had such a dreadful woman, but she is only one. There are many good caring women also.😊 Look for one, don’t give up! I was married to such a man who besides cheating robbed me. Eventually I had enough and divorced him. He thought I couldn’t because I was a Catholic, but even a catholic can have enough! 😁 Eventually I trusted a man to marry again and 26 years later I’m as happy as can be with a great man🤗
Never give up on happiness…

[…] Read more: Psychology Today: Sex Robots And The End Of Civilization […]

Michael Dale Rogers

I acknowledge that these authors ARE intelligent thinking individuals but feel that they are still influenced by morals that are no longer beneficial, long ago it was important to not have more than one sexual partner because there were several serious diseases one could contract. There was the inability to realistically limit pregnancies which themselves were dangerous to the mother AND infants, and women were generally unable to provide for themselves. These meant if one was to pass on their genes, the man had to stay around and provide support. Most of this is no longer significant which frees men… Read more »

Amadis Catalano

Sex robots is very creepy….


Probably just an extra turn on for certain types.

Lolita Bilu

My God… Already as i advance in age.. I see my options decrease. As my beauty diminishes, I already notice my value has noticably gone away. I have already, notably watched potential advances once upon a time vere away from me and go to the 20 something sitting behind me. How in the hell am I supposed to compete with a perfect looking.. Never talks back, never says no machine that will not ever grow old or lose any grip in her vagina??
I give up!!

Nixon Scraypes

Look in the eyes, there you will see true beauty, if its there, it never fades, it lights up the face no matter how worn by time. The souless will enjoy mechanical sex and anyway, only they will be able to afford it. This has nothing to do with man, male and female on the earth, just persons in the world. There’s a big difference.


a true human speaking the truth

Very Anonymous

Your comment about the eyes – very true. I know a widow that has just turned 80 years old, yet there is so much beauty, life and attractiveness in her eyes. It overrides the existence of an 80 year old body. Her personality is far more vibrant than women even a third of her age.


the eyes are window to the soul ! And people did what was right in their own eyes ! Thats why the world is crumbling ! GMO , Synthetic, Chemically infused , Robotic becoming non Human .This is were the World is being turned too . The kings And rulers of darkness & evil are running the show & sick , evil are they ! They are Eugenics wanting to depopulate the world .They have destroyed the family unit & men .Women being deceived have used a feminist agenda, useless wars after war , killing innocent babies . Its like… Read more »

Danny Davis

Masturbation is even easier, touching a fake tit is bad enough much less the entire whatever you want to call it. Basically these control freak sociopaths want all the money and to be God or maybe their aliens, don’t know, don’t care, they come around my house spewing this shit n they’ll get something they will say dmn I wish I never been born.


God Bless Sex Robots…it may very well be the beginning of true Civilization as being a male with a female partner who satisfies all of my deepest desires, dreams, visual, and tactual, and emotion needs, the very ‘need’ for war may actually come to an end as we men focus on creating and maintaining daily bliss from the stresses of life.


Men, who are disproportionately represented as consumers of pornography, will likely be over-represented as consumers of sex robots. Translation: It’s good for men, so that’s a problem! Within committed relationships, sexual interactions, which are apparently already on a nationwide decline, are likely to drop further in prevalence. Translation: Guys not getting enough is no biggie, but guys getting enough is an emergency problem we need to address..? Intimacy in relationships, which strongly maps onto both quantity and quality of sexual interactions within mateships, is likely to drop in quality as well. Translation: Women cannot compete, any more than a man can… Read more »

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