Unfunded: Europe’s ‘Green Deal’ Headed For Collapse

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On one hand, there is the bluster and bravado of global warming zealots. On the other hand, there is reality that falls way short of their imaginations and propaganda. This is true throughout the United Nations, World Economic Forum and all other greenwashing organizations. The hubris left over from these pipe dreams leaves the rest of the world in dire straits. ⁃ TN Editor

If we had to pinpoint a single tragic error in the modern history of European integration, it is the moment sometime during the euro crisis when pro-Europeans gave up on eurobonds and a fiscal union. Instead, they adopted Angela Merkel as their new role model, the pragmatist-in-chief.

What made their plight even more tragic was the mistaken idea that they were in possession of a clever and legally watertight funding mechanism, which gave rise to the Sure unemployment reinsurance programme, and later the recovery fund.

FAZ tells us this morning why this strategy is not working. The Commission has put a figure on the annual costs of the Green deal, a whopping €620bn. The Commission itself has only allocated €82.5bn towards this, via the social climate fund.

You can add a few euros here and there from various other pots, but this is not going to come close. Thierry Breton wanted a debt-financed €350bn funds for green investments, to match the size of the US inflation reduction act. That would have done the heavy lifting. But this was killed off by member states.

When the EU launched the recovery fund in 2020 we expressed scepticism about whether it could form a blueprint for future lending. There is simply no consensus in the EU for a perpetuation of a financial instrument that is ultimately secured by the member states themselves. What is also not helping is that the financial markets are not bestowing top-notch valuations to EU-issued debt for the simple reason that it is not sovereign.

You can package a bunch of mortgages into a collateral debt obligation. But you can’t repackage or reclassify sovereign debt. What characterises a sovereign borrower is the power to raise funds through taxes. For as long as the EU is reliant on the kindness of member states, it is not in a position to fund some of these giant programmes. What the EU needs, dare we say it, is the real thing: a eurobond. Or else, it has to admit that it cannot do as much as it wants, for lack of funds.

The Green deal is not the only unfunded programme. The project for a greater geopolitical role for the EU is in the same category. In addition, there is the cost of the reconstruction of Ukraine, which the Commission puts at €384bn a year.

Since there is no way they can fund this out of their own resources, we believe that more smoke-and-mirror tricks are on the way. No prizes for guessing where this will leave the substance of the Green deal.

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About the Editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton.
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Warum? Wolfgang Münchsu ist ein Anhänger des Green Deal. Er ist im Detail beschlagen, wögt die Möglichkeiten ab. SEIN Ziel ist nachzuweisen, dass die EU mit den alten Methoden ceteris paribus keinen Green Deal stemmen kann. Das ist richtig! Was falsch ist, sind seine Prämissen. Weder durchschaut er den Kontext des sog. Green Deal und damit die echten Absichten der EU. Noch ist ihm bewusst, dass die alten Methoden ja gerade abgeschafft werden sollen, dass das Ziel nicht eine stabile EU nach alten Regeln ist. Mich verblüfft, dass es hier veröffentlicht wird. Noch mehr, dass es anscheinend niemanden interessiert. Es… Read more »

[…] Unfunded: Europe’s ‘Green Deal’ Headed For Collapse […]


FAILURE AHEAD you creepy, sick, globalist scum.