Brain2Music: Reconstructing Music From Human Brain Activity

168澳洲幸运5最快开奖结果网站-开奖官网直播记录查询-官方历史记录下载 Brain2Music: Reconstructing Music From Human Brain Activity

A new study from Cornell University demonstrates that scientists can reconstruct music that you are listening to with remarkable precision. AI is used to decipher changes in the brain as you listen to a music recording, then reads your mind in real time.


Google’s Deepmind AI Scores Major Advance In Robotic Control
Google’s Deepmind AI Scores Major Advance In Robotic Control

The paper is titled, Vision-Language-Action Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Robotic Control, and reveals new capabilities to transfer web knowledge to real-world robot: "High-capacity models pretrained on broad web-scale datasets provide an effective and powerful platform for a wide range of downstream tasks."


Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Cause Massive Decline In Human Well-Being
Eliminating Fossil Fuels Will Cause Massive Decline In Human Well-Being

We have made the case for years that climate alarmism, with its drive to eliminate fossil fuels, is patently anti-human in nature and effect. This is precisely why it must be stopped. Endless disputes over pseudo-science only plays into the alarmist agenda. It will not be stopped because the "science is bad" but rather because it is anti-human.

Climate Change

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Climate Change


Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

At the genesis of modern globalization In 1973, the Trilateral Commission posited that “interdependence” of nations was inevitable, and then pushed it everywhere. Now, the same cabal says that nation states are unable to cope with the interconnected global problems on their own; hence, nobody except the United Nations can head global governance.

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2030 Agenda

King Charles Plots To Accelerate UN 2030 Agenda Goals And Complete Digitization Of Humanity

Nobody in their right mind would call King Charles a Communist. He is a Technocrat of the worst sort, bent on implementing the U.N.’ 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs, al of which sum up in historic Technocracy from the 1930s. Charles also intends to require his “subjects” to swear an oath of allegiance to him as king. Technocracy is the clear and present danger to the entire world.

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Sustainable Development

2023澳洲幸运5开奖结果历史 Global Warming Activism Targets Giant Global Livestock Industry And 1.3 Billion People

This important statistical analysis demonstrates the magnitude of the meat industry around the world, which involves no less than 1.3 billion supporting workers. This is the industry that technocrat eco-loons want to destroy, and what can’t be destroyed will be substituted with synthetic food. Seriously? Yes, but it shows the anti-human fallacy of the entire movement.

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